Sandshrew is a Ground-type Pokémon known for its ability to curl into a ball to protect itself. Its design is inspired by a shrew and an armadillo, which is evident through its burrowing habits and its armor-like hide. Sandshrew evolves into Sandslash, a more formidable and spikier version, typically when it reaches level 22.
Type: Ground
Abilities: - Sand Veil: This ability increases Sandshrew's evasion during a sandstorm, making it harder for opponents to hit it. - Hidden Ability (Sand Rush): This ability doubles Sandshrew's speed during a sandstorm, greatly enhancing its mobility in such conditions.
Interesting Facts: - Sandshrew is known for its defensive capabilities. When threatened, it curls up into a tight ball, showcasing its armored hide, and minimizing damage from attacks. - Its primary habitat is deserts and arid regions where it digs deep burrows to stay
Created by Shin Nagasawa for the McDonald's Collection 2019 set.
Created by Mizue for the Guardians Rising set.
Created by Hideki Ishikawa for the Guardians Rising set.
Created by Shin Nagasawa for the Ultra Prism set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Evolutions set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Base set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Gym Heroes set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Gym Heroes set.
Created by Yukiko Baba for the HeartGold & SoulSilver set.
Created by Atsuko Nishida for the Team Rocket Returns set.
Created by Naoki Saito for the Boundaries Crossed set.
Created by Shigenori Negishi for the BREAKthrough set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the Sandstorm set.
Created by Tomokazu Komiya for the Delta Species set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Base Set 2 set.
Created by Sekio for the Unbroken Bonds set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Legendary Collection set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Mysterious Treasures set.
Created by Suwama Chiaki for the Supreme Victors set.
Created by Naoyo Kimura for the Skyridge set.
Created by Ryoma Uratsuka for the Cosmic Eclipse set.
Created by Yuka Morii for the Fusion Strike set.
Created by Kodama for the 151 set.
Created by Tetsu Kayama for the Twilight Masquerade set.