Stealth-Rock Move Detail

Stealth Rock is a Rock-type status move with no power or accuracy value since it always hits. Instead of dealing immediate damage, Stealth Rock sets up an entry hazard on the opponent's side of the field. This move causes any Pokémon that switches into battle to take damage based on their susceptibility to Rock-type moves. The damage varies, being 12.5%, 25%, 50%, or 6.25% of the Pokémon's maximum HP, depending on its type resistance or weakness to Rock. Due to its ability to chip away at opponents' health and break Focus Sashes or Sturdy abilities, Stealth Rock is a staple in competitive play. It is particularly effective against Pokémon types that are weak to Rock, such as Bug, Fire, Flying, and Ice.





Flavor Texts

Stealth-Rock Pokémon
