Swalot is a Poison-type Pokémon, known for its gelatinous, amorphous body and gluttonous nature. It is easily identified by its purple color, bulbous shape, and its ability to engulf and digest practically anything it can fit into its cavernous mouth.
Type: Poison
Abilities: - Liquid Ooze: This ability causes damage to opponents who try to regain HP by draining it from Swalot (such as through moves like Absorb or Giga Drain), turning the absorbed liquids into harmful ooze. - Sticky Hold: This ability prevents Swalot from losing its held item due to moves like Knock Off or Thief. - Hidden Ability (Gluttony): This allows Swalot to consume a held berry earlier than usual when its HP drops below 50%, rather than the typical 25%.
Interesting Facts: - Evolves From Gulpin: Swalot evolves from Gulpin starting at level
Created by Aya Kusube for the Arceus set.
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Crystal Guardians set.
Created by Atsuko Nishida for the Emerald set.
Created by Tomokazu Komiya for the Phantom Forces set.
Created by Yuka Morii for the Hidden Legends set.
Created by Yuka Morii for the Celestial Storm set.
Created by Midori Harada for the Legends Awakened set.
Created by None for the Stellar Crown set.