Omastar is a dual-type Rock/Water Fossil Pokémon, known for its ancient origins and distinctive shell design. Omastar evolves from Omanyte when it reaches level 40, making it the final stage of its evolutionary line. This Pokémon is based on ancient ammonites, a group of extinct marine mollusks.
Type: Rock/Water
Abilities: - Swift Swim: When rain is active on the battlefield, this ability doubles Omastar's Speed stat, making it exceptionally fast under these conditions. - Shell Armor: This ability prevents Omastar from receiving critical hits, providing a steady defense in battles. - Hidden Ability (Weak Armor): This ability lowers Omastar's Defense stat by one stage when it is hit by an attack but increases its Speed stat by two stages, allowing for potential strategic speed boosts during battle.
Interesting Facts: - Omastar's design is inspired by real-life ammonites, which are ancient marine creatures with co
Created by Midori Harada for the Holon Phantoms set.
Created by Tomokazu Komiya for the Neo Destiny set.
Created by 5ban Graphics for the Fates Collide set.
Created by Hasuno for the Fates Collide set.
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Legend Maker set.
Created by Hajime Kusajima for the Arceus set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the Sandstorm set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Power Keepers set.
Created by Masakazu Fukuda for the Majestic Dawn set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Fossil set.
Created by Shin-Ichi Yoshida for the Neo Discovery set.
Created by Hajime Kusajima for the Skyridge set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Legendary Collection set.
Created by Kirisaki for the Team Up set.
Created by Saki Hayashiro for the Silver Tempest set.
Created by Saki Hayashiro for the Silver Tempest set.
Created by Akira Komayama for the 151 set.