Mimikyu-Busted is a form that Mimikyu takes after its disguise is busted.
Type: Ghost / Fairy
Abilities: - Disguise: This ability allows Mimikyu to take one physical or special attack without taking any damage. - Hidden Ability: None
Physical Characteristics: - Underneath its rag, Mimikyu-Busted's true form is obscured. - Its rag is torn and busted due to taking a hit in battle. - Its eyes appear to be scribbled, with one being larger than the other.
Behavior and Habitat: - Mimikyu-Busted is known to hide its true form out of loneliness and a desire to get closer to people and other Pokémon. - Typically found in dark forest areas like Thrifty Megamart's abandoned site in Alola.
In Battle: - Its Disguise ability allows it to take one attack without suffering any damage, making it a strategic first-move Pokémon in battles. - However, once its disguise is busted, it becomes vulnerable to further attacks.
Evolution: - Mimikyu-Busted does not evolve from or into any other Pokémon. It is a form that Mimikyu takes during battle after its disguise is busted.
Interesting Facts: - Mimikyu-Busted is the only known Pokémon with the Disguise Ability. - Despite being a Ghost/Fairy type, Mimikyu-Busted's disguise makes it look similar to Pikachu, a popular Electric type Pokémon. - The disguise serves as protective coloration for Mimikyu to avoid attacks.