


  • Species: Cloyster
  • Base Experience: 184
  • Height: 15
  • Weight: 1325
  • Is Default: True
  • Order: 146
  • Base Happiness: 50
  • Capture Rate: 60
  • Color: Purple
  • Egg Groups: Water3
  • Gender Rate: 4
  • Has No Gender Differences
  • Hatch Counter: 20
  • Habitat: Sea
  • Is Baby: False
  • Is Legendary: False
  • Is Mythical: False
  • Shape: Ball


  • HP
  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Special Attack
  • Special Defense
  • Speed


Held items


Cloyster is a dual-type Water/Ice Pokémon known for its hard, spiky shell and strategic battle capabilities. Evolving from Shellder when exposed to a Water Stone, Cloyster has a notable design featuring a blue, bivalve shell with spikes and a mischievous face peering out from the center.

Type: Water/Ice

Abilities: - Shell Armor: This ability prevents Cloyster from being hit by critical hits, providing a sturdy defense during battles. - Skill Link (Hidden Ability): This ability allows multi-hit moves (such as Icicle Spear and Rock Blast) to always hit the maximum number of times, making Cloyster a formidable opponent in battle.

Interesting Facts: - Cloyster’s shell is known to be incredibly tough, providing it with high defense stats. In the Pokémon games, it has one of the highest base Defense stats among all Pokémon. - It can close its shell tightly to withstand attacks and protect

Pokémon Sprites

Front Default
Back Default
Front Shiny
Back Shiny

Evolution Chain

Shellder - 90
shellder Image
Cloyster - 91
cloyster Image


Level Up





Flavor Text Entries

  • Red: When attacked, it launches its horns in quick volleys. Its innards have never been seen.
  • Blue: When attacked, it launches its horns in quick volleys. Its innards have never been seen.
  • Yellow: For protection, it uses its harder- than-diamonds shell. It also shoots spikes from the shell.
  • Gold: Once it slams its shell shut, it is impossible to open, even by those with superi­ or strength.
  • Silver: CLOYSTER that live in seas with harsh tidal currents grow large, sharp spikes on their shells.
  • Crystal: Even a missile can't break the spikes it uses to stab opponents. They're even hard­ er than its shell.
  • Ruby: CLOYSTER is capable of swimming in the sea. It does so by swallowing water, then jetting it out toward the rear. This Pokémon shoots spikes from its shell using the same system.
  • Sapphire: CLOYSTER is capable of swimming in the sea. It does so by swallowing water, then jetting it out toward the rear. This Pokémon shoots spikes from its shell using the same system.
  • Emerald: It swims in the sea by swallowing water, then jetting it out toward the rear. The CLOYSTER shoots spikes from its shell using the same system.
  • Firered: Its shell is extremely hard. It cannot be shattered, even with a bomb. The shell opens only when it is attacking.
  • Leafgreen: When attacked, it launches its horns in quick volleys. Its innards have never been seen.
  • Diamond: It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes.
  • Pearl: It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes.
  • Platinum: It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes.
  • Heartgold: Once it slams its shell shut, it is impossible to open, even by those with superior strength.
  • Soulsilver: CLOYSTER that live in seas with harsh tidal currents grow large, sharp spikes on their shells.
  • Black: It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes.
  • White: It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes.
  • Black-2: It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes.
  • White-2: It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes.
  • X: Cloyster that live in seas with harsh tidal currents grow large, sharp spikes on their shells.
  • Y: Its shell is extremely hard. It cannot be shattered, even with a bomb. The shell opens only when it is attacking.
  • Omega-Ruby: Cloyster is capable of swimming in the sea. It does so by swallowing water, then jetting it out toward the rear. This Pokémon shoots spikes from its shell using the same system.
  • Alpha-Sapphire: Cloyster is capable of swimming in the sea. It does so by swallowing water, then jetting it out toward the rear. This Pokémon shoots spikes from its shell using the same system.
  • Sun: Its hard shell cannot be shattered—not even by a bomb. The contents of the shell remain unknown.
  • Moon: Excavation of the tombs of ancient hunting tribes has turned up many spears tipped with spikes that had fallen off this Pokémon’s shell.
  • Ultra-Sun: If areas of Cloyster’s very hard shell get damaged, those areas swell, gradually growing into large sharp spikes.
  • Ultra-Moon: Slowpoke tails are its favorite food. It has even been known to come up on land to look for Slowpoke from time to time.
  • Lets-Go-Pikachu: For protection, it uses its harder-than-diamond shell. It also shoots spikes from the shell.
  • Lets-Go-Eevee: For protection, it uses its harder-than-diamond shell. It also shoots spikes from the shell.
  • Sword: Its shell is extremely hard. It cannot be shattered, even with a bomb. The shell opens only when it is attacking.
  • Shield: Once it slams its shell shut, it is impossible to open, even by those with superior strength.



Created by Kyoko Umemoto for the Expedition Base Set set.


Created by Aya Kusube for the FireRed & LeafGreen set.

Cloyster δ

Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Dragon Frontiers set.

Misty's Cloyster

Created by Ken Sugimori for the Gym Heroes set.


Created by Kagemaru Himeno for the Fossil set.


Created by Masakazu Fukuda for the XY set.


Created by Masakazu Fukuda for the Generations set.


Created by Saya Tsuruta for the BREAKpoint set.


Created by Yoshinobu Saito for the Sun & Moon set.


Created by Mahou for the Sword & Shield set.


Created by Ken Sugimori for the Secret Wonders set.


Created by Kyoko Umemoto for the Expedition Base Set set.


Created by Nagimiso for the Fusion Strike set.


Created by Nelnal for the 151 set.