Mesprit is a Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon known as the "Emotion Pokémon." It is one of the Lake Guardians trio, alongside Uxie and Azelf, and plays a significant role in controlling emotions in the Pokémon world. Mesprit is predominantly pink with a blue, teardrop-shaped gem on its head and two tails each adorned with a red gem.
Type: Psychic
Abilities: - Levitate: This ability grants Mesprit immunity to all Ground-type moves, which can be particularly useful in battle scenarios.
Interesting Facts: - Physical Appearance: Mesprit is a small, fairy-like Pokémon with a distinctive look that includes three teardrop-shaped crystals and a serene, almost ethereal appearance. It has wide, blue eyes and is generally associated with a calming presence. - Legend and Mythology: According to in-game lore, Mesprit created emotions among people. It is said to have emerged from a lake and given humans the ability
Created by Ryo Ueda for the Mysterious Treasures set.
Created by Ryo Ueda for the Plasma Blast set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Legends Awakened set.
Created by Kodama for the Forbidden Light set.
Created by Sekio for the Unified Minds set.
Created by Shizurow for the Legends Awakened set.
Created by Zig for the Astral Radiance set.
Created by None for the Surging Sparks set.
Created by None for the Surging Sparks set.