Darmanitan-Zen is a specialized form of Darmanitan used under certain battle conditions.
Type: Fire / Psychic
Abilities: - Zen Mode (Galarian Form): Changes Darmanitan's form to Zen Mode after it takes a hit that leaves it with less than half its max HP. - Hidden Ability: None for Darmanitan-Zen
Physical Characteristics: - Its body becomes larger and noticeably bulkier than its standard form. - The fire on its eyebrows disappears and its eyebrows become blue. - Its arms and legs turn into a light blue color and they become thicker and rounder.
Behavior and Habitat: - Darmanitan-Zen is usually calm and collected unlike its standard form which is usually aggressive. - It is typically found in areas where Darmanitan live, like the Desert Resort in Unova.
In Battle: - When Darmanitan transforms into its Zen Mode, it gains significant boosts in Defense, Special Attack and Special Defense, making it a formidable tank in battle. - Its dual Fire/Psychic typing gives it a unique set of resistances and weaknesses that can be used strategically.
Evolution: - Darmanitan-Zen is not a separate evolution but a form that Darmanitan can transform into during battle under certain conditions.
Interesting Facts: - Darmanitan-Zen is one of the few Pokémon with a form change that also includes a type change. - Despite being a form change and not a separate evolution, Darmanitan-Zen has its own Pokédex entry. - The Zen Mode ability is unique to Darmanitan and its forms.