Corsola is a dual-type Pokémon, which can be either Rock/Water or Ghost type depending on its regional form. Corsola is known for its coral-like appearance and has distinct characteristics that vary based on its region.
Type: - Standard Corsola: Rock/Water - Galarian Corsola (introduced in Pokémon Sword and Shield): Ghost
Abilities: - Standard Corsola: - Hustle: Boosts Corsola's Attack stat, but decreases its accuracy. - Natural Cure: Automatically heals any status conditions upon switching out of battle. - Hidden Ability (Regenerator): Restores a portion of Corsola's HP upon switching out of battle.
Created by Midori Harada for the POP Series 7 set.
Created by Kagemaru Himeno for the Dragon Majesty set.
Created by Tokiya for the HeartGold & SoulSilver set.
Created by Kyoko Umemoto for the XY set.
Created by Kanako Eo for the BREAKpoint set.
Created by Satoshi Shirai for the Sun & Moon set.
Created by Naoyo Kimura for the Hidden Legends set.
Created by Kagemaru Himeno for the Unseen Forces set.
Created by Yuka Morii for the Neo Discovery set.
Created by Midori Harada for the Secret Wonders set.
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Rebel Clash set.
Created by Miki Tanaka for the Expedition Base Set set.
Created by Mizue for the Shining Fates Shiny Vault set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the Fusion Strike set.