Marowak is a Ground-type Pokémon known for its distinctive bone club, which it uses as a weapon and tool. It evolves from Cubone starting at level 28. Marowak also possesses an Alolan form with different typing and abilities, which evolves from Cubone when leveled up at night in the Alola region.
Marowak: 1. Rock Head: Prevents recoil damage from moves that cause recoil, such as Double-Edge. 2. Lightning Rod: Draws in all Electric-type moves, boosting its Special Attack instead of taking damage. 3. Hidden Ability (Battle Armor): Protects Marowak from critical hits.
Alolan Marowak: 1. Cursed Body: Has a 30% chance to disable any move that hits Marowak. 2. **
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Team Rocket Returns set.
Created by Hajime Kusajima for the Delta Species set.
Created by Aya Kusube for the FireRed & LeafGreen set.
Created by Suwama Chiaki for the Forbidden Light set.
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Crimson Invasion set.
Created by Shin Nagasawa for the Fates Collide set.
Created by Kawayoo for the HS—Triumphant set.
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Jungle set.
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Base Set 2 set.
Created by Miki Kudo for the Team Up set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the Dragons Exalted set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Legends Awakened set.
Created by Masakazu Fukuda for the Unified Minds set.
Created by Kagemaru Himeno for the Aquapolis set.
Created by Match for the BREAKthrough set.
Created by 5ban Graphics for the BREAKthrough set.
Created by Kirisaki for the Unbroken Bonds set.
Created by 5ban Graphics for the SM Black Star Promos set.
Created by Narumi Sato for the Battle Styles set.
Created by Shinya Komatsu for the 151 set.
Created by None for the Stellar Crown set.