


  • Species: Rattata
  • Base Experience: 51
  • Height: 3
  • Weight: 38
  • Is Default: False
  • Order: 26
  • Base Happiness: 70
  • Capture Rate: 255
  • Color: Purple
  • Egg Groups: Ground
  • Gender Rate: 4
  • Has Gender Differences
  • Hatch Counter: 15
  • Habitat: Grassland
  • Is Baby: False
  • Is Legendary: False
  • Is Mythical: False
  • Shape: Quadruped


  • HP
  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Special Attack
  • Special Defense
  • Speed


Held items



The Alolan variant of the Pokémon Rattata.

Type: Dark / Normal

Abilities: - Gluttony: This ability makes Rattata-Alola use its held Berry earlier than usual. - Hustle: This ability increases the Pokémon's Attack stat but decreases its accuracy. - Hidden Ability: Thick Fat: This ability halves the damage taken from Fire- and Ice-type moves.

Physical Characteristics: - Rattata-Alola is a small, quadruped rodent Pokémon. - It has dark gray fur with a cream-colored belly and paws. - Rattata-Alola has a large, round ears with pink insides, and red eyes.

Behavior and Habitat: - Rattata-Alola is nocturnal and more aggressive than its non-Alolan counterpart. - It typically inhabits urban areas and thrives in city environments.

In Battle: - Rattata-Alola is fast and can hit hard, but it's also frail. - It benefits from its Dark typing, which gives it immunity to Psychic-type moves.

Evolution: - Rattata-Alola evolves into Raticate-Alola starting at level 20 when leveled up at night.

Interesting Facts: - The change in Rattata's behavior and appearance in Alola is attributed to its efforts to avoid its natural predator, Yungoos. - Rattata-Alola's whiskers provide it with balance, and its fangs never stop growing. - Rattata-Alola is the only regional variant with a type combination unique to it.

Pokémon Sprites

Front Default
Back Default
Front Shiny
Back Shiny

Evolution Chain

Rattata - 19
rattata Image
Raticate - 20
raticate Image

Min. Lvl 20

View Details


Level Up





Flavor Text Entries

  • Red: Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.
  • Blue: Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.
  • Yellow: Will chew on any­ thing with its fangs. If you see one, it is certain that 40 more live in the area.
  • Gold: It eats anything. Wherever food is available, it will settle down and produce offspring continuously.
  • Silver: Living wherever there is food available, it ceaselessly scav­ enges for edibles the entire day.
  • Crystal: This Pokémon's impressive vital­ ity allows it to live anywhere. It also multiplies very quickly.
  • Ruby: RATTATA is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky about where it lives - it will make its nest anywhere.
  • Sapphire: RATTATA is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky about where it lives - it will make its nest anywhere.
  • Emerald: A RATTATA is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly moves its ears and listens for danger. It will make its nest anywhere.
  • Firered: Its fangs are long and very sharp. They grow continuously, so it gnaws on hard things to whittle them down.
  • Leafgreen: Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.
  • Diamond: Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment.
  • Pearl: Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment.
  • Platinum: Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment.
  • Heartgold: It eats anything. Wherever food is available, it will settle down and produce offspring continuously.
  • Soulsilver: Living wherever there is food available, it ceaselessly scavenges for edibles the entire day.
  • Black: Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment.
  • White: Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment.
  • Black-2: It searches for food all day. It gnaws on hard objects to wear down its fangs, which grow constantly during its lifetime.
  • White-2: It searches for food all day. It gnaws on hard objects to wear down its fangs, which grow constantly during its lifetime.
  • X: Living wherever there is food available, it ceaselessly scavenges for edibles the entire day.
  • Y: Its fangs are long and very sharp. They grow continuously, so it gnaws on hard things to whittle them down.
  • Omega-Ruby: Rattata is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky about where it lives—it will make its nest anywhere.
  • Alpha-Sapphire: Rattata is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky about where it lives—it will make its nest anywhere.
  • Sun: Its incisors continue growing until its death. If its Trainer doesn’t offer it a file to gnaw on, it will gnaw on door frames, table legs, and so on.
  • Moon: With their strong capacity for survival, they can live in dirty places without concern. Left unchecked, their numbers multiply rapidly.
  • Ultra-Sun: Its incisors grow continuously throughout its life. If its incisors get too long, this Pokémon becomes unable to eat, and it starves to death.
  • Ultra-Moon: This Pokémon is common but hazardous. Its sharp incisors can easily cut right through hard wood.
  • Lets-Go-Pikachu: Will chew on anything with its fangs. If you see one, you can be certain that 40 more live in the area.
  • Lets-Go-Eevee: Will chew on anything with its fangs. If you see one, you can be certain that 40 more live in the area.


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