Barbaracle is a dual-type Rock/Water Pokémon introduced in Generation VI.
Type: Rock / Water
Abilities: - Tough Claws: This ability increases the power of moves that make direct contact by 30%. - Sniper: This ability powers up moves if they become critical hits when attacking. - Hidden Ability: Pickpocket - This ability steals an item from an attacker that made direct contact.
Physical Characteristics: - Barbaracle has a body made up of a collection of seven gray-colored rocks. - It has a giant hand-shaped formation which serves as its main body, with four smaller blue limbs serving as its legs and arms. - Its face is located in the center of the hand, and is covered by a brown and white shell.
Behavior and Habitat: - Barbaracle is known for its incredible strength, capable of breaking apart a steel oil drum with one punch. - It typically dwells along the ocean shorelines.
In Battle: - Barbaracle is known for its high attack and defense stats, making it a formidable physical attacker and defender. - It can utilize its Tough Claws ability to increase the power of its physical moves, making it even more threatening in battle.
Evolution: - Barbaracle is the evolved form of Binacle. Binacle evolves into Barbaracle starting at level 39.
Interesting Facts: - The seven individuals that make up a Barbaracle can each perform different roles, such as offense or defense. - Despite its appearance, it's actually quite intelligent and can coordinate its different parts for complex tasks. - The name "Barbaracle" is a combination of "barbaric" and "barnacle," referencing its wild nature and aquatic characteristics.
Created by Shin Nagasawa for the Fates Collide set.
Created by 5ban Graphics for the Flashfire set.
Created by Kirisaki for the Forbidden Light set.
Created by Anesaki Dynamic for the Rebel Clash set.
Created by Keiichiro Ito for the Lost Origin set.