Pidgeotto is a Normal/Flying-type Pokémon known for being an experienced and robust bird Pokémon. It is the evolved form of Pidgey and can further evolve into Pidgeot. Pidgeotto appears as a larger and more majestic bird compared to Pidgey, with striking plumage and a commanding presence.
Type: Normal/Flying
Abilities: - Keen Eye: This ability prevents Pidgeotto from having its accuracy reduced, ensuring its attacks remain precise even against evasive foes. - Tangled Feet: Activated in confusion, this ability raises Pidgeotto's evasion, making it harder for opponents to land hits. - Hidden Ability (Big Pecks): Protects Pidgeotto from having its Defense stat lowered, maintaining its resilience in battle.
Interesting Facts: - Appearance: Pidgeotto has sharp eyes, a distinctive crest of red feathers on its head, and powerful wings. Its body is primarily brown with lighter
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Base set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Gym Challenge set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Base Set 2 set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Legendary Collection set.
Created by Suwama Chiaki for the HS—Triumphant set.
Created by Suwama Chiaki for the Call of Legends set.
Created by Midori Harada for the FireRed & LeafGreen set.
Created by Atsuko Nishida for the Holon Phantoms set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Secret Wonders set.
Created by Shin Nagasawa for the Flashfire set.
Created by Tomokazu Komiya for the Expedition Base Set set.
Created by Mizue for the Team Up set.
Created by Kariya for the Obsidian Flames set.
Created by Jerky for the Obsidian Flames set.
Created by Oswaldo Kato for the 151 set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the Paldean Fates set.