Big Pecks is an ability in the Pokémon series that primarily provides defensive benefits to the Pokémon that possess it. The key effect of Big Pecks is that it prevents the Pokémon's Defense stat from being lowered by any means, including moves, abilities, or items that would normally decrease the stat. This can be particularly advantageous in battles where opponents might use moves like Screech or abilities like Intimidate, which are designed to weaken the defensive capabilities of the Pokémon.
Some interesting facts about Big Pecks include:
Introduced in Generation V: The ability first appeared in the fifth generation of Pokémon games, starting with Pokémon Black and White.
Common Users: Big Pecks is commonly found on bird-themed Pokémon, reflecting the name's thematic connection to birds. Pokémon such as Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, and Unfezant are some examples that often have this ability.
Strategic Uses: While Big Pecks