Aurorus is a dual-type Rock/Ice Fossil Pokémon introduced in Generation VI.
Type: Rock / Ice
Abilities: - Refrigerate: Powers up the Pokémon's Normal-type moves and turns them into Ice-type moves. - Snow Warning: The Pokémon summons a hailstorm in battle. - Hidden Ability: Freeze-Dry - The Pokémon's Ice-type moves cause damage regardless of the target's type.
Physical Characteristics: - Aurorus is a quadruped, dinosaurian Pokémon that resembles a sauropod. - It is primarily blue with a lighter blue underside. - It has bright blue eyes, a long neck, and a long, tapering tail with a teardrop-shaped tip.
Behavior and Habitat: - Aurorus is known for its beautiful aurora-like light display, which it creates by refracting light through the ice on its body. - As a fossil Pokémon, Aurorus doesn't have a natural habitat but is often associated with cold, icy environments due to its Ice type.
In Battle: - Aurorus's Snow Warning ability can be used to inflict chip damage on opponents that are not Ice types. - Its hidden ability, Freeze-Dry, provides a unique strategic advantage against Water types, which are usually resistant to Ice-type moves.
Evolution: - Aurorus evolves from Amaura when leveled up at night starting at level 39, after it is revived from a Sail Fossil.
Interesting Facts: - Aurorus can blast freezing air at -240 degrees Fahrenheit to freeze opponents solid. - Despite being a Rock/Ice type, Aurorus learns several Normal, Dark, and Dragon type moves, giving it a diverse move pool. - The light patterns on Aurorus's body can be altered by its emotions, and are usually more beautiful on cold nights.
Created by Suwama Chiaki for the Forbidden Light set.
Created by 5ban Graphics for the Furious Fists set.
Created by Toyste Beach for the XY Black Star Promos set.