


  • Species: Wormadam
  • Base Experience: 148
  • Height: 5
  • Weight: 65
  • Is Default: False
  • Order: 544
  • Base Happiness: 70
  • Capture Rate: 45
  • Color: Green
  • Egg Groups: Bug
  • Gender Rate: 8
  • Has No Gender Differences
  • Hatch Counter: 15
  • Habitat:
  • Is Baby: False
  • Is Legendary: False
  • Is Mythical: False
  • Shape: Blob


  • HP
  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Special Attack
  • Special Defense
  • Speed


Held items



Wormadam-Trash is a variant of the Pokémon Wormadam.

Type: Bug / Steel

Abilities: - Anticipation: Warns the Pokémon of an opponent's move that is super effective. - Hidden Ability: Overcoat - Protects the Pokémon from damage from weather.

Physical Characteristics: - Wormadam-Trash is a female-only species. - She is covered in steel and pink material, giving her a unique appearance compared to other Wormadam forms. - Her body is segmented, with the lower half resembling a mobile cocoon, and the upper half appearing more humanoid.

Behavior and Habitat: - Wormadam-Trash is typically seen in urban areas and near industrial sites, which is where she collects the materials to form her protective coating. - She is known for her calm and patient demeanor.

In Battle: - Her Bug/Steel type gives her a variety of resistances, making her a resilient defensive Pokémon. - She has access to a wide range of supportive and offensive moves, making her versatile in battle.

Evolution: - Wormadam-Trash is the result of a Burmy evolving while in a building or other man-made structure.

Interesting Facts: - Unlike other Wormadam forms, Wormadam-Trash is not susceptible to Fire-type moves due to her Steel typing. - Every Wormadam-Trash has a different pattern, as the trash used to make their protective coat is always different. - Despite being called "Wormadam-Trash," she is quite tidy and organizes her collected materials meticulously.

Pokémon Sprites

Front Default
Back Default
Front Shiny
Back Shiny

Evolution Chain

Burmy - 412
burmy Image
Wormadam - 413
wormadam Image

Min. Lvl 20

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Mothim - 414
mothim Image

Min. Lvl 20

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Level Up





Flavor Text Entries

  • Diamond: When BURMY evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon’s body. The cloak is never shed.
  • Pearl: Its appearance changes depending on where it evolved. The materials on hand become a part of its body.
  • Platinum: When evolving, its body takes in surrounding materials. As a result, there are many body variations.
  • Heartgold: It is said that a WORMADAM that evolves on a cold day will have a thicker cloak.
  • Soulsilver: It is said that a WORMADAM that evolves on a cold day will have a thicker cloak.
  • Black: When evolving, its body takes in surrounding materials. As a result, there are many body variations.
  • White: When evolving, its body takes in surrounding materials. As a result, there are many body variations.
  • Black-2: When evolving, its body takes in surrounding materials. As a result, there are many body variations.
  • White-2: When evolving, its body takes in surrounding materials. As a result, there are many body variations.
  • X: Its appearance changes depending on where it evolved. The materials on hand become a part of its body.
  • Y: When Burmy evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon’s body. The cloak is never shed.
  • Omega-Ruby: Its appearance changes depending on where it evolved. The materials on hand become a part of its body.
  • Alpha-Sapphire: When Burmy evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon’s body. The cloak is never shed.


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