


  • Species: Swampert
  • Base Experience: 286
  • Height: 19
  • Weight: 1020
  • Is Default: False
  • Order: 358
  • Base Happiness: 50
  • Capture Rate: 45
  • Color: Blue
  • Egg Groups: Monster , Water1
  • Gender Rate: 1
  • Has No Gender Differences
  • Hatch Counter: 20
  • Habitat: Waters-Edge
  • Is Baby: False
  • Is Legendary: False
  • Is Mythical: False
  • Shape: Upright


  • HP
  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Special Attack
  • Special Defense
  • Speed


Held items




Swampert-Mega is the Mega Evolution of Swampert, achieved through the use of a Swampertite.

Type: Water / Ground

Abilities: - Swift Swim: When it’s raining, the Pokémon’s Speed doubles. However, Speed will not double on the turn weather becomes Heavy Rain.

Physical Characteristics: - Bulkier and more muscular than its original form. - Gains additional orange and purple markings on its body. - Has a pair of orange antennae, which it uses to detect changes in the air and the sea.

Behavior and Habitat: - Known for its formidable strength and speed, especially in rain. - Typically found in watery environments, like swamps and marshlands.

In Battle: - Excels in battles conducted in rain conditions due to its Swift Swim ability. - Strong physical attacker, with increased attack and defense after Mega Evolution.

Evolution: - Swampert evolves from Marshtomp starting at level 36. Marshtomp evolves from Mudkip starting at level 16. - Swampert can Mega Evolve into Mega Swampert when exposed to a Swampertite.

Interesting Facts: - Swampert-Mega is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Hammer Arm naturally. - It is also the heaviest Water-type and Ground-type Pokémon. - The orange antennae of Swampert-Mega can predict storms, tidal waves, and other natural disasters.

Pokémon Sprites

Front Default
Front Shiny

Evolution Chain

Mudkip - 258
mudkip Image
Marshtomp - 259
marshtomp Image

Min. Lvl 16

View Details
Swampert - 260
swampert Image

Min. Lvl 36

View Details


Level Up





Flavor Text Entries

  • Ruby: SWAMPERT is very strong. It has enough power to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton. This Pokémon also has powerful vision that lets it see even in murky water.
  • Sapphire: SWAMPERT predicts storms by sensing subtle differences in the sounds of waves and tidal winds with its fins. If a storm is approaching, it piles up boulders to protect itself.
  • Emerald: If it senses the approach of a storm and a tidal wave, it protects its seaside nest by piling up boulders. It swims as fast as a jet ski.
  • Firered: Its arms are rock-hard. With one swing, they can batter down its foe. It makes its nest on beautiful beaches.
  • Leafgreen: Its arms are rock-hard. With one swing, they can batter down its foe. It makes its nest on beautiful beaches.
  • Diamond: It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms.
  • Pearl: It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms.
  • Platinum: It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms.
  • Heartgold: Its arms are hard as rock. With one swing, it can break a boulder into pieces.
  • Soulsilver: Its arms are hard as rock. With one swing, it can break a boulder into pieces.
  • Black: It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms.
  • White: It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms.
  • Black-2: It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms.
  • White-2: It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms.
  • X: Its arms are hard as rock. With one swing, it can break a boulder into pieces.
  • Y: It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms.
  • Omega-Ruby: Swampert is very strong. It has enough power to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton. This Pokémon also has powerful vision that lets it see even in murky water.
  • Alpha-Sapphire: Swampert predicts storms by sensing subtle differences in the sounds of waves and tidal winds with its fins. If a storm is approaching, it piles up boulders to protect itself.


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