Avalugg is a massive, iceberg-like Pokémon known for its incredible toughness and strength.
Type: Ice
Abilities: - Own Tempo: This ability prevents Avalugg from becoming confused in battle. - Ice Body: Avalugg heals up to 1/16 of its maximum Hit Points every turn during hail weather. - Hidden Ability: Sturdy: This ability allows Avalugg to withstand a hit that could otherwise knock it out, provided it was at full HP before the hit.
Physical Characteristics: - Avalugg has a flat, table-like top with sharp, icy spikes jutting out from its bottom. - It boasts a dark blue body that is partially covered in ice. - Avalugg has a small head with eyes that glow a piercing blue.
Behavior and Habitat: - Avalugg is known for its stoic, unmovable demeanor, often compared to an iceberg. - It typically resides in frigid, mountainous regions where it blends in with its icy surroundings.
In Battle: - Avalugg has high defense stats, making it a great physical wall. - Its Ice Body ability can be taken advantage of in hail teams to provide passive healing.
Evolution: - Avalugg evolves from Bergmite starting at level 37.
Interesting Facts: - Avalugg is capable of moving across and living in frigid seas by freezing the water around it. - Despite its large size, Avalugg can move quite swiftly, especially when sliding on its belly. - Avalugg's back is so flat and sturdy that people often mistake it for a slab of ice and walk across it.
Created by 5ban Graphics for the Flashfire set.
Created by Saya Tsuruta for the Steam Siege set.
Created by Sowsow for the Forbidden Light set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the Evolving Skies set.
Created by Kagemaru Himeno for the Astral Radiance set.