Bidoof is a Normal-type Pokémon known for its simple and endearing appearance. It resembles a small rodent with features akin to a beaver, and it is often remembered for its friendly demeanor and large, buck-toothed grin.
Type: Normal
Abilities: - Simple: This ability doubles the effectiveness of stat changes. For instance, if an attack increases Bidoof's Attack by one stage, it will instead increase by two stages. - Unaware: With this ability, Bidoof ignores any stat changes in the opponent when calculating damage. This means that an opponent could boost its stats, but Bidoof would not take these boosts into account when it attacks or is being attacked. - Hidden Ability (Moody): This ability randomly raises one of Bidoof's stats by two stages and lowers another stat by one stage at the end of each turn. It adds an element of unpredictability to battles.
**Interesting Facts:
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the POP Series 6 set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the Kalos Starter Set set.
Created by Yuka Morii for the Stormfront set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Diamond & Pearl set.
Created by Yusuke Ohmura for the Mysterious Treasures set.
Created by Atsuko Nishida for the Supreme Victors set.
Created by Kagemaru Himeno for the XY set.
Created by Match for the Dragons Exalted set.
Created by Akira Komayama for the Primal Clash set.
Created by Planeta for the Primal Clash set.
Created by Sekio for the Unified Minds set.
Created by Oswaldo Kato for the Brilliant Stars set.
Created by Tomokazu Komiya for the Pokémon GO set.
Created by The Pokémon Company Art Team for the SWSH Black Star Promos set.
Created by Naoyo Kimura for the Crown Zenith set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery set.