This is the Alolan regional variant of the Pokémon Diglett.
Type: Ground / Steel
Abilities: - Sand Veil: Increases the Pokémon's evasion during a sandstorm. - Tangling Hair: Lowers the opponent's speed stat by one stage when hit by a move that makes contact. - Hidden Ability: Sand Force - This ability increases the power of Rock, Ground, and Steel type moves by 30% during a sandstorm.
Physical Characteristics: - Has a shiny, metallic whisker on top of its head. - Unlike regular Diglett, it has a brown coloration. - Body shape is identical to its Kanto counterpart.
Behavior and Habitat: - Often seen near volcanic areas. - Tends to burrow underground, leaving only its head visible.
In Battle: - Excels at lowering the opponent's speed with its Tangling Hair ability. - Can benefit from sandstorm conditions due to its Sand Force and Sand Veil abilities.
Evolution: - Evolves into Alolan Dugtrio starting at level 26.
Interesting Facts: - Its metallic whiskers function as sensors. - The whiskers are capable of transmitting signals to other Diglett in its vicinity. - It was introduced in the seventh generation of Pokémon games (Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon).