Minior-Blue-Meteor is a form of Minior that is blue in color when its shell breaks.
Type: Rock / Flying
Abilities: - Shields Down: This ability allows Minior to change form and increase its speed and attack when its HP drops below half.
Physical Characteristics: - Blue core body - Meteor-like appearance - The body is encased in a shell until its HP drops below half
Behavior and Habitat: - Known to live in the ozone layer where it consumes particulate matter - When it loses enough of its coating, it falls towards the planet's surface
In Battle: - Uses its Shields Down ability to increase its Speed and Attack when its HP drops below half - Known for its move "Power Gem" which fits its Rock type
Evolution: - Minior does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon
Interesting Facts: - The color of Minior's core depends on the particular number of hits it has taken - Minior-Blue-Meteor is one of seven possible forms, each with a different color - When it falls to the ground, it looks like a shooting star due to its body burning from friction with the atmosphere