Minior-Yellow is a variant of the Pokémon Minior.
Type: Rock / Flying
Abilities: - Shields Down: This ability allows Minior to change form when its HP drops below half, boosting its attack and speed stats but lowering its defense. - Hidden Ability: None
Physical Characteristics: - Yellow core with rock shell that shatters when HP drops below half. - Has a round body with star-like protrusions. - Average height of 1'00" and weight of 88.2 lbs.
Behavior and Habitat: - Known to live in the ozone layer, eating particles and dust. - Falls to the ground when its shell becomes too heavy, turning into meteors.
In Battle: - Its Shields Down ability creates a unique dynamic, making it a defensive Pokémon initially and an offensive one when its HP drops. - Can learn a variety of moves from TM's, including Psychic, Solar Beam, and Thunderbolt.
Evolution: - Minior does not evolve.
Interesting Facts: - The color of Minior's core is determined when it falls from the stratosphere, with the substances it ate influencing its coloring. - Despite its small size, Minior has the same weight as large Pokémon like Machamp and Feraligatr. - Its design is likely based on a meteorite and a star.