Raticate-Alola is the Alola regional variant of the Pokémon Raticate.
Type: Dark / Normal
Abilities: - Gluttony: This Pokémon will consume its held Berry when its HP drops to half or less, which is sooner than usual. - Hustle: Boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat but decreases accuracy. - Hidden Ability: Thick Fat - Provides resistance to Fire and Ice type moves.
Physical Characteristics: - Possesses chubby cheeks that allow it to store food, with a plump body and a thick, bushy tail. - It has cream-colored fur, with dark brown fur covering its lower body and outer ears. - Unlike the regular Raticate, Alola Raticate has large, high-calorie meals, which resulted in a plumper body.
Behavior and Habitat: - Known for forming large nests and taking turns watching for danger. - Found in urban areas, often seen in Alola's city areas and building structures.
In Battle: - Its special abilities make it particularly strong against Ghost type attacks, and useful for consuming Berries earlier. - Its Dark typing and Hustle ability can be used for powerful, if sometimes inaccurate, physical attacks.
Evolution: - Evolves from Alolan Rattata when leveled up at night starting at level 20.
Interesting Facts: - The Alolan diet caused a change in Raticate's biology, leading to its different appearance and typing. - Alolan Raticate is considered the boss of Alolan Rattatas and Raticates, and it sends them out to gather food. - Alolan Raticate's preference for fresh foods has caused it to be seen as a pest in Alola's urban areas, where it raids restaurants and food stores.