Chatot is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon known for its ability to mimic sounds and speech, much like a real-life parrot. It has a notable musical theme, with its head resembling a musical note and its ability to use sound-based moves effectively.
Type: Normal/Flying
Abilities: - Keen Eye: This ability prevents Chatot’s accuracy from being lowered by opponents. - Tangled Feet: When Chatot is confused, this ability increases its evasion rate, making it harder for opponents to land hits. - Hidden Ability (Big Pecks): This ability protects Chatot from having its Defense stat lowered by opponents' moves or abilities.
Interesting Facts: - Appearance: Chatot's design is vibrant and colorful, with a blue body, yellow chest, and green wings. Its notable feature is its head, which resembles a musical note, and its tail, which is shaped like a metronome. - **Signature
Created by Masakazu Fukuda for the DP Black Star Promos set.
Created by Yusuke Ishikawa for the Supreme Victors set.
Created by Kagemaru Himeno for the Majestic Dawn set.
Created by 5ban Graphics for the Plasma Blast set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Diamond & Pearl set.
Created by Mahou for the Dark Explorers set.
Created by Satoshi Ohta for the Supreme Victors set.
Created by Akira Komayama for the BREAKthrough set.
Created by Ryoma Uratsuka for the Rebel Clash set.
Created by 0313 for the Vivid Voltage set.
Created by Hyogonosuke for the Unbroken Bonds set.
Created by Shin Nagasawa for the Astral Radiance set.
Created by Sui for the Crown Zenith set.
Created by Goto Minori for the Temporal Forces set.
Created by Scav for the Temporal Forces set.