Zebstrika is a striking Electric-type Pokémon, introduced in Generation V of the Pokémon series. It is well-known for its zebra-like appearance, featuring a sleek, black body adorned with white, lightning bolt-shaped stripes.
Type: Electric
Abilities: - Lightning Rod: This ability attracts all Electric-type moves to Zebstrika, which instead of causing damage, raise Zebstrika’s Special Attack by one stage. - Motor Drive: When hit by an Electric-type move, Zebstrika takes no damage and instead boosts its Speed by one stage. - Hidden Ability (Sap Sipper): This ability allows Zebstrika to absorb Grass-type moves, negating any damage and increasing its Attack stat by one stage.
Interesting Facts: - Appearance and Inspiration: Zebstrika is inspired by zebras, known for their speed and agility. Its design incorporates electrifying elements, such as its bolt-shaped mane and tail, emphasizing its Electric type
Created by Match for the Noble Victories set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the Black & White set.
Created by Shin Nagasawa for the Team Up set.
Created by Naoki Saito for the Next Destinies set.
Created by Masakazu Fukuda for the Black & White set.
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Boundaries Crossed set.
Created by 0313 for the Vivid Voltage set.
Created by Hajime Kusajima for the BREAKpoint set.
Created by Misa Tsutsui for the Lost Thunder set.
Created by Hasuno for the Chilling Reign set.
Created by Gossan for the Paradox Rift set.
Created by None for the Surging Sparks set.