Eelektross is a unique and intriguing Pokémon known for its dubiously mysterious attributes and appearance, resembling an eel or lamprey. As a dual-purpose combatant from the fifth generation of Pokémon, it is notable for its versatility in battles and its ability to handle various terrains.
Type: Electric
Abilities: - Levitate: This ability makes Eelektross immune to Ground-type moves, which would normally be super-effective against Electric-type Pokémon. This essentially gives Eelektross no inherent type weaknesses, making it a valuable asset in battle.
Interesting Facts: - Classification: Eelektross is categorized as the EleFish Pokémon. It evolves from Eelektrik when exposed to a Thunder Stone, which itself evolves from Tynamo starting at level 39. - Appearance: Eelektross features a serpent-like body with fin-like arms and a circular, lamprey-like mouth. Its vibrant colors and sharp teeth give it both a men
Created by 5ban Graphics for the Plasma Blast set.
Created by Masakazu Fukuda for the Noble Victories set.
Created by Hatachu for the Burning Shadows set.
Created by Kawayoo for the Dark Explorers set.
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Primal Clash set.
Created by Tetsuya Koizumi for the Vivid Voltage set.
Created by Shigenori Negishi for the Unified Minds set.
Created by Okacheke for the Fusion Strike set.
Created by Shin Nagasawa for the Lost Origin set.
Created by Masakazu Fukuda for the Obsidian Flames set.