Ponyta is a Fire-type Pokémon, known for its equine appearance and fiery mane. Ponyta is often associated with speed and grace, as it has characteristics akin to those of a horse.
Type: Fire (Galarian Form: Psychic)
Abilities: - Run Away: This ability allows Ponyta to flee from any wild Pokémon encounter regardless of circumstances. - Flash Fire: Boosts the power of Ponyta's Fire-type moves if it’s hit by one. - Hidden Ability (Flame Body): This ability gives Ponyta a chance to burn opponents that make contact with it using a move.
Interesting Facts: - Evolution: Ponyta evolves into Rapidash at level 40. - Appearance: The Kantonian Ponyta has a cream-colored body with fiery manes and tails. Its hooves are also surrounded by small flames. The Galarian Ponyta, on the other hand, has a more mystical
Created by Tomokazu Komiya for the Flashfire set.
Created by Sumiyoshi Kizuki for the Steam Siege set.
Created by Saya Tsuruta for the Team Up set.
Created by Kirisaki for the SWSH Black Star Promos set.
Created by Uta for the Cosmic Eclipse set.
Created by Tomokazu Komiya for the Generations set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Evolutions set.
Created by Kanako Eo for the Arceus set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Base set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Gym Challenge set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Gym Heroes set.
Created by Atsuko Nishida for the Team Rocket set.
Created by Midori Harada for the Arceus set.
Created by Kyoko Umemoto for the HS—Triumphant set.
Created by Atsuko Nishida for the Stormfront set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the FireRed & LeafGreen set.
Created by Naoyo Kimura for the Delta Species set.
Created by Saya Tsuruta for the Sword & Shield set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Legendary Collection set.
Created by Kagemaru Himeno for the Diamond & Pearl set.
Created by Kanako Eo for the Arceus set.
Created by Shin-Ichi Yoshida for the Aquapolis set.
Created by Kagemaru Himeno for the Expedition Base Set set.
Created by Sanosuke Sakuma for the Shining Fates Shiny Vault set.
Created by Jiro Sasumo for the Astral Radiance set.
Created by Teeziro for the Silver Tempest set.
Created by Nurikabe for the 151 set.
Created by Takashi Shiraishi for the Temporal Forces set.
Created by None for the Stellar Crown set.