Braviary is a brave and strong bird Pokémon known for its majestic appearance.
Type: Normal / Flying
Abilities: - Keen Eye: Prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy. - Sheer Force: Removes additional effects to increase move damage. - Hidden Ability: Defiant - Boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat when its stats are lowered.
Physical Characteristics: - A large bird with red and blue plumage, symbolizing its representation of the United States. - It has a long, thick beak and sharp eyes. - The feathers on its back and tail are long and impressive, giving it a majestic appearance.
Behavior and Habitat: - Known for its bravery and strength, it will not hesitate to challenge opponents, no matter how much stronger they are. - Typically found in mountains and secluded, rugged areas.
In Battle: - Excels in physical attacks, with high attack and decent speed. - Its ability, Sheer Force, increases the power of moves that have additional effects.
Evolution: - Evolves from Rufflet starting at level 54.
Interesting Facts: - Braviary represents the United States in the Pokémon world. - Its name is a combination of "brave" and "aviary", reflecting its courage and birdlike nature. - In the wild, they fight each other by dancing in the sky to determine their pecking order.
Created by Kyoko Umemoto for the Steam Siege set.
Created by Masakazu Fukuda for the Emerging Powers set.
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Dragons Exalted set.
Created by Akira Komayama for the Plasma Storm set.
Created by Match for the BREAKthrough set.
Created by Chibi for the Cosmic Eclipse set.
Created by Satoshi Nakai for the Evolving Skies set.
Created by Shin Nagasawa for the Astral Radiance set.
Created by Jiro Sasumo for the Silver Tempest set.
Created by None for the Surging Sparks set.
Created by None for the Surging Sparks set.