Darumaka-Galar is a regional variant of Darumaka found in the Galar region.
Type: Ice
Abilities: - Hustle: Increases the Pokémon's Attack stat by 50% but decreases accuracy by 20%. - Hidden Ability: Inner Focus - This Pokémon will not flinch due to an opponent's move.
Physical Characteristics: - Darumaka-Galar is a round, blue Pokémon with a droplet shape on its forehead. - It has large, round eyes and a smiling mouth. - It has three icicle-like protrusions on its head and back.
Behavior and Habitat: - Darumaka-Galar tends to live in snowy areas. - It has a habit of hiding food in the snow for later consumption.
In Battle: - Its Hustle ability can make it a formidable attacker. - However, its decreased accuracy due to Hustle can be a disadvantage.
Evolution: - Darumaka-Galar evolves into Darmanitan-Galar when exposed to an Ice Stone.
Interesting Facts: - Darumaka-Galar is the first Ice-type Pokémon with the Hustle ability. - Unlike its Fire-type counterpart, instead of having warm droppings, it freezes its droppings to use as food. - The icicles on its body can be used to make ice pops, a popular treat in the Galar region.