Popplio is a Water-type Pokémon known for its performance abilities.
Type: Water
Abilities: - Torrent: This ability powers up Water-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low. - Hidden Ability: Liquid Voice - All sound-based moves become Water-type moves.
Physical Characteristics: - Popplio has a clown-like appearance with a large, round nose and two big, floppy ears. - It's primarily blue with a white belly, and it has a frilled collar around its neck. - It has large front flippers which it uses for a variety of actions, including combat and performance.
Behavior and Habitat: - Popplio is known for its playful nature and its ability to blow bubbles from its nose, which it uses in battle and performance. - It is typically found in seafaring climates, as it is a strong swimmer and enjoys playing in the water.
In Battle: - Popplio's Water-type moves can be very effective against Fire, Ground, and Rock-type Pokémon. - It can utilize its sound-based moves strategically with its hidden ability, Liquid Voice.
Evolution: - Popplio evolves into Brionne at level 17, which can further evolve into Primarina at level 34.
Interesting Facts: - Popplio can create balloon-like bubbles from its nose, which it uses to perform tricks and stunts. - It has a strong sense of rhythm and can bounce its bubbles in time with music. - Despite its playful appearance, Popplio is tougher than it looks and can swim at speeds of 25 mph.
Created by Match for the SM Black Star Promos set.
Created by 5ban Graphics for the SM Black Star Promos set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the Sun & Moon set.
Created by Hitoshi Ariga for the Lost Thunder set.
Created by Yusuke Ohmura for the Lost Thunder set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the McDonald's Collection 2017 set.
Created by Kouki Saitou for the McDonald's Collection 2021 set.