Foongus is a dual-type Grass/Poison Pokémon, known for its mushroom-like appearance and unique abilities. Below is a detailed summary about Foongus:
Type: Grass/Poison
Appearance: Foongus resembles a small mushroom. It has a white, squishy, and round body with stubby, light gray arms. Its most notable feature is the cap on its head, which looks like a Poké Ball, a design meant to lure unsuspecting prey.
Evolution: Foongus evolves into Amoonguss starting at level 39.
Abilities: - Effect Spore: This ability gives Foongus a 30% chance to inflict a status condition (sleep, poison, or paralysis) on attackers who make contact with it. - Hidden Ability (Regenerator): This ability allows Foongus to regain up to 1/3 of its maximum HP when it switches out of battle.
**Interesting Facts
Created by Masakazu Fukuda for the Next Destinies set.
Created by Yuka Morii for the Steam Siege set.
Created by Mitsuhiro Arita for the Plasma Storm set.
Created by Match for the Noble Victories set.
Created by Shin Nagasawa for the Dragons Exalted set.
Created by Ken Sugimori for the Unified Minds set.
Created by Saya Tsuruta for the Silver Tempest set.
Created by You Iribi for the Obsidian Flames set.