Tiny Mushroom is an item in the Pokémon series primarily known for its role in various in-game trading and selling mechanics. It is a small, brown mushroom that resembles those frequently seen in the natural environment of Pokémon habitats.
Effects and Uses: - Selling for Profit: The primary use of Tiny Mushroom is its sale value. In most games, players can sell the Tiny Mushroom to Poké Marts or specific characters for a modest amount of in-game currency, typically 250 Pokédollars. This makes it a common item for players who are looking to boost their funds quickly. - In-game Trades: In some Pokémon games, Tiny Mushrooms can be traded to certain NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) in exchange for other items or services. For example, in "Pokémon Sun and Moon," you can trade them for Heart Scales with a collector in the Poke Pelago. - Move Tutor Payment: In some game versions, Tiny Mushrooms can act as