Braviary-Hisui is a regional variant of Braviary found in the Hisui region.
Type: Psychic / Flying
Abilities: - Intimidate: Lowers the opponent's Attack stat upon entering battle. - Keen Eye: Prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy. - Hidden Ability: Defiant - Boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat when its stats are lowered.
Physical Characteristics: - Larger and more muscular than its Unovan counterpart. - Distinctive purple plumage with gold accents. - Carries a large, green leek-like stalk.
Behavior and Habitat: - Known for its bold and warrior-like behavior. - Typically found in mountainous regions of the Hisui region.
In Battle: - Utilizes its Psychic abilities to control the battlefield. - Known for its high Attack and Defense stats.
Evolution: - Evolves from Rufflet after leveling up with high friendship during the night.
Interesting Facts: - The stalk it carries is said to be a weapon it uses in battle. - Its psychic powers are unique to the Hisui variant of Braviary. - It is known to be loyal to Trainers who treat it with respect.