Weezing-Galar is the Galarian form of the Pokémon Weezing.
Type: Poison / Fairy
Abilities: - Levitate: This Pokémon is immune to Ground-type moves, the Arena Trap Ability, damaging effects of Spikes, and all damage from the move Earthquake. - Neutralizing Gas: All other Pokémon's Abilities are disabled while this Pokémon is in battle. - Hidden Ability: Misty Surge - The Pokémon creates a Misty Terrain when it enters a battle.
Physical Characteristics: - Features a pair of smoky purple gas clouds, each with a face. - Has a large, industrial chimney on top of one cloud, reminiscent of a top hat. - Decorative, smoke-like "mustaches" and "beards" add to its gentlemanly appearance.
Behavior and Habitat: - Known for its refined manners and gentlemanly demeanor. - Typically found in industrial areas or near factories in the Galar region.
In Battle: - Utilizes its Neutralizing Gas ability to disrupt opponents' strategies by disabling their abilities. - Can use Fairy-type moves to deal with Dragon-type Pokémon.
Evolution: - Evolves from Galarian Koffing starting at level 35.
Interesting Facts: - The toxins within Weezing-Galar's body have been converted into a source of energy, causing it to emit clean air. - The smoke it emits from its chimney is actually purified air, not pollution. - Its unique Poison / Fairy typing is a first in the Pokémon franchise.