Nickit is a fox-like Pokémon known for its stealthy behavior.
Type: Dark
Abilities: - Run Away: Enables a sure getaway from wild Pokémon. - Unburden: Boosts the Speed stat if the Pokémon's held item is used or lost. - Hidden Ability: Stakeout - Doubles the damage dealt to the target's replacement if the target switches out.
Physical Characteristics: - Fox-like appearance with a reddish-brown coat. - Has a large fluffy tail, often used to obscure its tracks. - Eyes with white pupils and red irises.
Behavior and Habitat: - Known for its stealth and thievery, often stealing food from people's homes. - Typically found in urban areas and forests.
In Battle: - Known for its speed and ability to evade opponents. - Can be effective at hit-and-run strategies due to its abilities.
Evolution: - Nickit evolves into Thievul starting at level 18.
Interesting Facts: - The name Nickit is derived from the word 'nicked', which is British slang for theft, referring to its thieving nature. - Despite its sneaky nature, Nickit is known to keep its territory clean and free of any leftovers. - Its design is likely based on a cross between a fox and a raccoon, known for their sneaky and nocturnal behavior.
Created by Naoki Saito for the Champion's Path set.
Created by Misa Tsutsui for the Darkness Ablaze set.
Created by Kirisaki for the Sword & Shield set.
Created by Saya Tsuruta for the Shining Fates Shiny Vault set.
Created by Kirisaki for the Shining Fates set.
Created by Hasegawa Saki for the Evolving Skies set.
Created by Naoyo Kimura for the Astral Radiance set.
Created by Yuu Nishida for the Paradox Rift set.