Manectric-Mega is the Mega Evolution of Manectric, achieved through the use of a Manectite.
Type: Electric
Abilities: - Intimidate: This ability lowers the opposing Pokémon's Attack stat upon entering the battle. - Hidden Ability: Minus - This ability powers up the Pokémon's Sp. Atk stat if the Pokémon is in battle with a Pokémon that has Plus or Minus ability. But, Manectric-Mega can't have a hidden ability.
Physical Characteristics: - Manectric-Mega is a quadruped, canine Pokémon. - Its body is mainly blue with a spiky, yellow mane on its head and a spiky, yellow fur on its tail. - It has a red gem on its forehead, which is its Mega Stone.
Behavior and Habitat: - Manectric-Mega is known to be very loyal to its trainer. - It typically resides in grasslands and fields where thunderstorms are common.
In Battle: - Manectric-Mega is known for its high Speed and Special Attack, making it a potent special sweeper. - Its ability, Intimidate, can be used strategically to lower the opponent's Attack stat.
Evolution: - Manectric can Mega Evolve into Manectric-Mega using the Manectite.
Interesting Facts: - The gem on its forehead is thought to contain the power for Mega Evolution. - Manectric-Mega creates electricity, which it stores in its mane. When it discharges power, its mane sparkles. - It is one of the few Pokémon with the ability to Mega Evolve.