Ghost-type Pokémon are a unique and enigmatic category within the Pokémon universe, known for their spectral abilities and ghostly nature. These Pokémon are often characterized by their eerie designs and supernatural powers, making them fascinating and formidable in battles.
Ghost-type moves are particularly effective against Psychic and Ghost-type Pokémon. This effectiveness makes Ghost types a strategic choice for countering opponents that rely heavily on psychic abilities. Additionally, Ghost-type Pokémon are completely immune to Normal and Fighting-type moves, providing them with a significant defensive advantage in battles that feature these common types.
Despite their strengths, Ghost-type Pokémon do have vulnerabilities. They are weak against Ghost and Dark-type moves, meaning that they can be at a disadvantage when facing these types in combat. Trainers must be cautious and strategic when using Ghost-type Pokémon against these adversaries to minimize potential risks.