Ice-type Pokémon are a unique and strategically significant category within the Pokémon universe. They are known for their formidable abilities to withstand and unleash frigid attacks, often characterized by moves that can freeze opponents or drastically lower their speed.
Ice-type moves are particularly effective against Flying, Ground, Grass, and Dragon-type Pokémon. This makes Ice-type Pokémon invaluable in battles where they face adversaries from these types, as their attacks can deal significant damage. For instance, attacks like "Ice Beam," "Blizzard," and "Icicle Crash" are known for their high power and secondary effects, such as potentially causing the opposing Pokémon to become frozen.
However, Ice-type Pokémon are not without their vulnerabilities. They are weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel-type attacks. This significant array of weaknesses can sometimes make it challenging to keep Ice-type Pokémon in extended battles, as they often have to be switched out to avoid fatal damage from these types of moves.