Electric-type Pokémon are a prominent class within the Pokémon universe, characterized by their affinity for electricity-based attacks. They are known for their incredible speed and high Special Attack stats, making them formidable opponents in battle.
Electric-type moves are especially effective against Water and Flying-type Pokémon. This means that Electric-types can easily dispatch Pokémon that rely on aquatic or aerial mobility.
Electric-types have a significant disadvantage against Ground-type Pokémon, as Ground-type moves can inflict considerable damage on them. Moreover, Electric-type moves are completely ineffective against Ground-type Pokémon, adding an extra layer of strategic challenge when facing Ground types.
Electric-type Pokémon also have a resistance to Electric, Flying, and Steel-type moves, which means they only take half the normal damage from these types of attacks. They have no innate vulnerabilities apart from their singular weakness to Ground-type moves.