
Misty Surge is an ability introduced in Generation VII of the Pokémon series. When a Pokémon with Misty Surge enters the battle, it summons Misty Terrain for five turns. This terrain effect offers several strategic advantages:

Effects of Misty Terrain: 1. Dragon-Type Move Reduction: Any Dragon-type moves used on grounded Pokémon will have their damage halved, which can be crucial in battles involving strong Dragon-type attacks. 2. Status Condition Immunity: Grounded Pokémon are protected from status conditions such as sleep, paralysis, and burn while Misty Terrain is active, ensuring that ability users and their allies remain in peak fighting condition. 3. Confusion Damage Reduction: Any damage taken from confusion is halved for grounded Pokémon, making it less detrimental to get confused during the battle.

Interesting Facts: 1. Terrain Effect: Misty Terrain specifically affects Pokémon that are "grounded," meaning those who are touching the ground. Flying-types and those with the


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Misty-Surge ability


788 - Water, Fairy


10167 - Poison, Fairy