Twinkle-Tackle--Special Move Detail

Twinkle Tackle (Special) is a Fairy-type Z-Move. Its power varies depending on the base move it is derived from, typically delivering a substantial boost to that move's power. Twinkle Tackle does not have a traditional accuracy rate, as Z-Moves always hit unless the target is in a semi-invulnerable state (like using Fly or Dig). Originating from Generation VII, Twinkle Tackle can only be used by a Pokémon holding a Fairium Z and knowing a damaging Fairy-type move. The animation for Twinkle Tackle features a dazzling display of light and sparkles, highlighting its Fairy-type essence. This move is well-regarded in both casual and competitive play for its ability to deliver a powerful, one-time Fairy-type attack.





Flavor Texts

Twinkle-Tackle--Special Pokémon
