Subzero-Slammer--Special Move Detail

Subzero Slammer (Special) is an Ice-type Z-Move that is a result of converting an Ice-type special move into its Z-Move form when a Pokémon holds an Icium Z. The power of Subzero Slammer varies depending on the base power of the original Ice-type special move. This Z-Move is guaranteed to hit, bypassing accuracy checks and ignoring any changes to the target's evasion. While it doesn't have additional effects beyond the immense damage dealt, its primary appeal lies in delivering a powerful, single-use attack that can break through an opponent's defenses, making it a strategic choice in situational play. Subzero Slammer is part of the broader category of Z-Moves introduced in the Pokémon Sun and Moon series, specifically designed to give players access to once-per-battle super moves that can turn the tide of battle.





Flavor Texts

Subzero-Slammer--Special Pokémon
