Pulverizing-Pancake Move Detail

Pulverizing-Pancake is a Normal-type Z-Move with a base power of 210. It always hits its target, so it has 100% accuracy by default. Pulverizing-Pancake is exclusive to Alolan Raichu, which can only use this move when holding an Aloraichium Z and has the move Thunderbolt in its arsenal. This move showcases Alolan Raichu’s unique characteristics and emphasizes the flavor of unleashing a powerful attack by combining its Electric type with the Normal-type Z-Move mechanic. The animation for Pulverizing-Pancake is particularly memorable, featuring Alolan Raichu using psychic powers to perform an acrobatic flip before crashing down on the opponent.





Flavor Texts

Pulverizing-Pancake Pokémon
