Guardian-Of-Alola Move Detail

Guardian of Alola is a Z-Move of the Fairy type used by the guardian deities of the Alola region (Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini). This move does not have a fixed power but instead reduces the target's HP by 75% of its current HP, making it particularly effective against bulkier opponents. Since it is a Z-Move, its accuracy is guaranteed, provided the status conditions of the move's prerequisites are met. Guardian of Alola can only be executed if the Pokémon is holding a Tapunium Z and knows the move Nature's Madness. This move is unique to the guardian deities and showcases their immense protective power over the Alola region.





Flavor Texts

Guardian-Of-Alola Pokémon
