Corkscrew-Crash--Physical Move Detail

Corkscrew-Crash--Physical is a Steel-type Z-Move that is unleashed when a Pokémon holding a Steelium Z uses an appropriate Physical Steel-type move. The power of Corkscrew Crash varies depending on the base move it is derived from, making its power variable. Accuracy for Corkscrew Crash is guaranteed, meaning it will always hit unless the target is under the effect of moves like Protect or has the ability to avoid Z-Moves specifically. As a Z-Move, it can only be used once per battle and requires the Pokémon to know a corresponding base Steel-type move. Corkscrew Crash showcases a dazzling and powerful spin attack that embodies the strength and precision of Steel-type Pokémon.





Flavor Texts

Corkscrew-Crash--Physical Pokémon
