
Wandering Spirit is a unique and intriguing ability primarily associated with certain Ghost-type Pokémon, most notably Runerigus and Yamask in their Galarian forms. This ability triggers when a Pokémon with Wandering Spirit is hit by a physical move. Upon contact, Wandering Spirit will cause the attacker and the Pokémon with this ability to swap abilities.

Effects of Wandering Spirit: 1. Ability Exchange: When an opponent hits a Pokémon with Wandering Spirit using a contact-based move, the attacking Pokémon's ability is swapped with Wandering Spirit. This can strategically nullify beneficial abilities on opposing Pokémon, such as Swift Swim, Huge Power, or Intimidate. 2. Tactical Advantage: By exchanging abilities, a Pokémon with Wandering Spirit can potentially cripple opponents relying on specific abilities for their strategies. For example, a Moxie-boosted attacker can suddenly find itself without its crucial ability after making contact. 3. Switch-Back Potential: If the Pokémon


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Wandering-Spirit ability


867 - Ground, Ghost


10179 - Ground, Ghost