
Primordial Sea is a powerful ability introduced in Generation VI of the Pokémon series, specifically as the signature ability of Primal Kyogre. This ability transforms the weather upon the Pokémon's entry into battle to a condition known as "heavy rain." Here are the detailed effects and interesting facts about Primordial Sea:


  1. Weather Control:
  2. When a Pokémon with Primordial Sea enters the battlefield, it initiates heavy rain, replacing any other existing weather conditions.
  3. Unlike regular rain, heavy rain summoned by Primordial Sea cannot be overridden by standard weather-changing moves or abilities. Only other primal weather abilities like Desolate Land or Delta Stream can alter it.

  4. Enhancement of Water-type Moves:

  5. Heavy rain significantly boosts the power of Water-type moves by 50%, providing a considerable advantage to Water-type Pokémon using their STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) moves.

  6. Neutralization of Fire-type Moves: -


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Primordial-Sea ability


10077 - Water