Blaze is an ability in the Pokémon series that primarily affects Fire-type Pokémon. The primary effect of Blaze is to increase the power of Fire-type moves by 50% when the Pokémon's HP falls below one-third of its maximum. This can significantly boost the effectiveness of Fire-type moves, turning the tide of battle when the Pokémon is in a critical state.
Interesting facts about Blaze include: - Blaze is a common ability for Fire-type starter Pokémon across various generations, including prominent species such as Charizard, Blaziken, and Infernape. This makes it a familiar ability to many players who choose Fire-type starters. - The activation of Blaze can be strategically used in battles, particularly if the player manages to control the health of the Pokémon in such a way that it activates at a crucial moment, maximizing damage output when it may be needed the most. - In Double or Triple Battles, Blaze can also be activated by Pokémon using moves like Surf or Earthquake to intentionally lower their own