
Pokémon Ultra Moon is an enhanced version of the original Pokémon Moon game, part of the seventh generation of the Pokémon series for the Nintendo 3DS. Released on November 17, 2017, alongside Pokémon Ultra Sun, it introduces several changes and additions to the original Sun and Moon games, adding new elements to the established storyline and gameplay mechanics.

Key Features and Additions

  1. Alternate Storyline: Ultra Moon features an expanded and altered storyline compared to the original Moon version. Players encounter new characters, new locations, and additional plot elements revolving around Ultra Wormholes and Ultra Beasts.

  2. Ultra Recon Squad: This new faction plays a significant role in the revamped narrative. Players will interact more deeply with members of the Ultra Recon Squad, who help to unveil the mysteries of the Ultra Wormholes.

  3. Ultra Wormholes and Ultra Space: Players can now travel through Ultra Wormholes to visit diverse dimensions called Ultra Spaces. These areas are

Version Group

Ultra Sun Ultra Moon