
Pokémon Pearl is a role-playing game developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company for the Nintendo DS. Released globally between 2006 and 2007, it is part of the fourth generation of Pokémon games and is paired with Pokémon Diamond. Both games share a similar storyline but have certain version-exclusive elements.

Key Features

  1. Sinnoh Region: The game is set in the Sinnoh region, a diverse area with a mix of urban areas, rural landscapes, mountains, and lakes.
  2. Starter Pokémon: Players can choose from three starter Pokémon: Turtwig (Grass-type), Chimchar (Fire-type), and Piplup (Water-type).
  3. New Pokémon: Pokémon Pearl introduces 107 new Pokémon, expanding the total number available to 493.
  4. 3D Graphics and Dual Screen: Leveraging the capabilities of the Nintendo DS, the game features enhanced graphics with 3D elements and utilizes

Version Group

Diamond Pearl